Justus Perthes' Atlas antiquus, 3e druk (1895)

See below for (a summary of) this text in English.

Hieronder staan plaatjes van de 3e druk (Franse uitgave, 1895) van de atlas. Daarbij horen ook de volgende pagina's

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Justus Perthes' Atlas antiquus, 3rd edition (1895)


Click on a picture to enlarge.

Band, schutbladen / Binding, endpapapers
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Voorkant band / Front cover Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Voorkant band / Front cover

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Band / Binding Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Band / Binding   XL
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Schutblad achterin / Rear endpaper Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Schutblad achterin / Rear endpaper   XL

Titelpagina, inhoudsopgave, enz. / Title page, table of contents, etc.
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Titelpagina / Title page Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Titelpagina / Title page   XL

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Inhoudsopgave, voorwoord / Table of contents, preface Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Inhoudsopgave, voorwoord / Table of contents, preface   XL
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Voorwoord, register / Preface, index Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
Voorwoord, register / Preface, index   XL

Kaarten / Maps
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
1. Orbis terrarum Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
1. Orbis terrarum   XL
Wereld / World
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
2. Tabula Peutingeriana Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
2. Tabula Peutingeriana   XL
Peutinger-kaart / Peutinger Map

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
3. Aegyptus Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
3. Aegyptus   XL
Egypte / Egypt
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
4. Palaestina Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
4. Palaestina   XL
Palestina / Palestine

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
5. Regna antiquissima orientis Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
5. Regna antiquissima orientis   XL
De oudste rijken van het Oosten / The most ancient realms of the East
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
6. Coloniae veteres Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
6. Coloniae veteres   XL
De oude kolonies / The old colonies

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
7. Asia Minor Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
7. Asia Minor   XL
Klein-Azië / Asia Minor
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
8. Persia Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
8. Persia   XL
Perzië / Persia

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
9. India Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
9. India   XL
Indië / India
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
10. Terrae Haemo adiacentes Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
10. Terrae Haemo adiacentes   XL
De landen bij het Haemus-gebergte / The countries near the Haemus Mountains

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
11. Graecia Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
11. Graecia   XL
Griekenland / Greece
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
12. Insulae Maris Aegaei Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
12. Insulae Maris Aegaei   XL
De eilanden in de Egeïsche Zee / The island in the Aegean Sea

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
13. Italia superior Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
13. Italia superior   XL
Boven-Italia / Upper Italia
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
14. Italia inferior Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
14. Italia inferior   XL
Beneden-Italia / Lower Italia

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
15. Latium, Campania Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
15. Latium, Campania   XL
Latium, Campanië / Latium, Campania
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
16. Imperium Romanum Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
16. Imperium Romanum   XL
Het Romeinse Rijk / The Roman Empire

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
17. Hispania Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
17. Hispania   XL
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
18. Africa septentrionalis Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
18. Africa septentrionalis   XL
Noordelijk Afrika / Northern Africa

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
19. Gallia Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
19. Gallia   XL
Gallië / Gaul
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
20. Britannia Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
20. Britannia   XL
Brittannië / Britain

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
21. Germania Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
21. Germania   XL
Germanië / Germania
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
22. Athenae Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
22. Athenae   XL
Athene / Athens

Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
23. Roma Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
23. Roma   XL
Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
24. Tabellae Perthes' Atlas antiquus (1895)
24. Tabellae   XL
Bijkaartjes / Inset maps

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