Atlassen en kaarten verzamelen

See below for (a summary of) this text in English.

Stielers Hand-Atlas 1905
Koperen plaatje op de band (klik voor een vergroting) Stielers Hand-Atlas 1905
Koperen plaatje op de band

Welkom op mijn site. Je kunt hier informatie vinden over atlassen en landkaarten, en het verzamelen daarvan. Verder beschrijf ik mijn eigen verzameling, die bestaat uit 19e en 20e-eeuwse atlassen (vooral Duitse) en allerlei oudere en nieuwere landkaarten.

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Collecting atlases and maps

Stielers Hand-Atlas 1905
Copper plaque on front cover (click to enlarge) Stielers Hand-Atlas 1905
Copper plaque on front cover

Welcome to my site. Here you can find information on collecting atlases and maps. I also describe my own collection, which consists of 19th and 20th century atlases, mainly German, and several vintage and more recent map series.

The 'menu' is on the left – tip texts are also in English. The items on top navigate you through the site. Items below guide you through the current page. On some pages, links to related pages are given thereafter. There is also a basic search engine.

Through the menu sections you will find the subsequent information.

This site is a work in progress. Feedback through Info

© M. Witkam, 2016

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